Heretic Voice Acting and Combat Enhancements!

I’ve been hard at work fine-tuning Requiem to deliver a more immersive and challenging experience. This latest update focuses on bug fixes, combat tweaks, and a long-awaited addition to one of the game’s most sinister foes. Check out what’s new below:

Bug Fixes

  • 🛠️ Fixed an inconsistency with AI vision after player death to ensure enemies behave as intended.
  • 🛠️ Resolved an issue where supernatural attacks didn’t trigger proper player hit reactions.


  • ⚔️ Combat Adjustments:
    • Slightly reduced the amount of stun lock to keep fights engaging but fairer.
    • Added new hit reactions for the player to increase realism during combat.
    • Players can now run directly from stun lock, giving you a chance to escape tight encounters.
    • Reduced walking speed while aiming to enhance tension and balance risk.
  • 🗣️ Heretic Voice Acting:
    • The Heretic now taunts, mocks, and challenges you with fully voiced lines! 
  • 🎮 UI and Visual Improvements:
    • Added health and level information to the inventory menu for better player clarity and strategy.
    • Post-processing has been tweaked:
      • Improved dither effects and reduced posterization.
      • Slightly increased resolution to enhance the CRT scan line effect without losing the retro aesthetic.

This update brings the Heretic to life in terrifying new ways and improves combat flow to keep encounters intense but manageable. We’re thrilled to see players dive deeper into Requiem’s world, and as always, your feedback fuels these updates!

Stay tuned for even more to come. Thank you for your continued support and dedication! 🙌


Requiem (1998) 1.4 GB
Version 28 64 days ago

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